Prechter’s Papers, Articles and Videos
on Elizabethan Literature and Authorship

Prechter, Robert R. 1999. “Another View of Sonnet 20.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 35, no. 2, (Summer 1999), pg. 15.

Prechter, Robert. 2002. “Veres and de Vere: The Privilege of the Prefix.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 38, No. 1, (Winter 2002).

Prechter, Robert R. 2005. “The Sonnets Dedication Puzzle I.”Shakespeare Matters: The Voice of the Shakespeare Fellowship, Vol. 4, No. 3, (Spring 2005), pps. 1, 12-19.

Prechter, Robert R. 2005. “The Sonnets Dedication Puzzle II.” Shakespeare Matters: The Voice of the Shakespeare Fellowship, Vol. 4, No. 4, (Summer 2005), pps. 1, 18-26.

Prechter, Robert. 2005. “Might Edward de Vere Have Suffered from Alcoholism?” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 41, No. 4, (Fall 2005), pps. 19-22.

Prechter, Robert. 2007. “Another Coincidence? Shakespeare and Oxford Together on the Same Day.” Shakespeare Matters, Vol. 6, no. 2, (Winter 2007), pg. 28.

Prechter, Robert. 2007. “Letter to the Editor.” Shakespeare Matters, Vol. 6, no. 3, (Spring 2007), pg. 2.

Prechter, Robert R. 2007. “A Deeper Look at the Arthur Golding Canon.” Shakespeare Matters: The Voice of the Shakespeare Fellowship, Vol. 7, No. 1, (Fall 2007), pps. 7-14.

Prechter, Robert R. 2007. “Did Oxford make his Publishing Debut in 1560 as ‘T.H.’?” The Oxfordian, Vol. 10, (October 2007), pps. 111-120.

Prechter, Robert. 2009. “Somebody we know is behind No-body and Some-body.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 45, No. 2, (Sept 2009), pps. 6-10.

Prechter, Robert, 2010. “Hundreth Sundrie Flowres Revisited.” Brief Chronicles, Vol. 2, Issue II, pps. 45-77.

Prechter, Robert. 2011. “Robert Prechter Responds.” Brief Chronicles, Vol 3, pps. 310-314.

Prechter, Robert. 2011. “On the Authorship of Willobie His Avisa.” Brief Chronicles, Vol 3, pps. 135-167.

Prechter, Robert. 2012 “Verse Parallels between Oxford and Shakespeare.” The Oxfordian, Vol. 14, (October 2012), pps. 148-155.

Prechter, Robert. 2013. “More Evidence that Julius Caesar dates to 1583.” Shakespeare Matters: The Voice of the Shakespeare Fellowship, Vol. 12, no. 1, (Winter 2013), pps. 24-25.

Prechter, Robert. 2014. “Harvey as Dogberry.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 50, no. 4, (Fall 2014), pg. 7.

Prechter, Robert. 2015. “Letter to the Editor.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 51, no. 1, (Winter 2015), pg. 5.

Prechter, Robert. 2015. “Reply to Morse’s Critique of the Sonnets Dedication Puzzle.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 51, no. 1, (Winter 2015), pps. 19-22.

Shahan, John. 2015. “Letter to the Editor.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol.51, no.2, (Spring 2015), pg. 3.

Prechter, Robert. 2015. “Oxford’s Final Love Letters to Queen Elizabeth.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 51, no. 3, (Summer 2015), pps. 25-30.

Prechter, Robert R. 2015. “Is Greene’s Groats-worth of Wit About Shakespeare, or by Him?” The Oxfordian, Vol. 17, (September 2015), pps. 95-132.

Speech video: Prechter, Robert. 2015. “Why Did Robert Greene Repent His Former Works?” September 25, 2015.

Editors. 2018. “Analysis.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 54, no. 1, (Winter 2018), pps. 1, 27-29.

Prechter, Robert. 2018. “In the Footsteps of Vere and Roe (Part One).” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 54, no. 2, (Spring 2018), pps. 1, 24-28.

Prechter, Robert. 2018. “In the Footsteps of Vere and Roe (Part Two).” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 54, no. 3, (Summer 2018), pps. 1, 27-29.

Prechter, Robert. 2021. A New Online Bookset: OXFORD’S VOICES What Shakespeare Wrote Before He Was Shakespeare.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 57, no. 4, (Fall 2021), pps. 1, 21-24.

Sabel, Steven. (Host). 2022. Oxford’s Voices” [Audio podcast]. Don’t Quill The Messenger, (February 3, 2022).

Prechter, Robert. 2022. “Who Wrote George Peele’s ‘Only Extant Letter’?” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 58, no. 1, (Winter 2022), pps. 12-16.

Prechter, Robert. 2022. “George Peele’s Personal Note from Shakespeare,” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol. 58, no. 3, (Summer 2022), pp. 22-26.

Speech video: Prechter, Robert. 2022. “Who Wrote George Peele’s Only Extant Letter and Only Extant Manuscript?” Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable, May 14, 2022

Speech video: Prechter, Robert. 2022. “Addendum: George Peele,” Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable, October 23, 2022

Prechter, Robert. 2023. “Who Wrote ‘Shakespeare’s Favorite Novel’?” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol.59, No.2, Spring 2023, pp.10-13

Speech video: Prechter, Robert. 2023. “Thomas Nashe: Person or Persona?” Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable, May 6, 2023

Prechter, Robert. 2023. “The Author Behind the Allonym ‘Richard Lichfield’”The de Vere Society Newsletter, Vol. 30, No. 1 (January 2023), pp.39-42.

Prechter, Robert. 2023. “The Earl of Oxford Contributed to John Gerarde’s The Herball (1597)”The de Vere Society Newsletter, Vol. 30, No. 3 (July 2023), pp.30-31.

Prechter, Robert R. 2023. Avisa: Queen Elizabeth or Penelope Rich?” The Oxfordian, Vol. 25, (September 2023), pps. 233-239

Video: Robert Prechter, 2023. “Robert Prechter at the Blue Boar Tavern,” a 70-minute chat about Oxford’s Voices, October 25, 2023

Video: Robert Prechter, 2023. “Was the Earl of Oxford Bisexual?,” Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship Conference, November 11, 2023

Prechter, Robert. 2023. “The True Testimony of Barnabe Rich: Countering Another of B.M. Ward’s Unfounded Charges” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol.59, No.4, Fall 2023, pp.18-20

Prechter, Robert. 2024. “Prechter on Barnabe Rich”The de Vere Society Newsletter, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Spring 2024), pp.3

Prechter, Robert. 2024. “Cygnus was a Pseudonym of Samuel Daniel, Not ‘Shakespeare’”The de Vere Society Newsletter, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Spring 2024), pp.24-27

Video: Robert Prechter. 2024. “Key Early Voices” a 40-minute chat with Phoebe deVere, May 28, 2024

Video: Robert Prechter. 2024. “Voices’ Propaganda Pieces” a 20-minute chat with Phoebe deVere, July 8, 2024

Video: Robert Prechter. 2024. “A Royal Affair” a 30-minute chat with Phoebe deVere, July 30, 2024

Video: Robert Prechter. 2024. “Robert Greene at the Blue Boar Tavern” a 1-hour chat about Robert Greene, July 10, 2024

Prechter, Robert. 2024. “George Gascoigne Did Not Accompany the Earl of Oxford on the Way to London in 1562”The de Vere Society Newsletter, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Summer 2024), pp.35-39

Prechter, Robert R. 2024. “Was ‘Thomas Nashe’ a Pen Name of the Earl of Oxford?” The Oxfordian, Vol. 26, 2024, pps. 171-203

Prechter, Robert R. 2024. “A Response to the Rebuttal—Avisa: Queen Elizabeth of Penelope Rich?” The Oxfordian, Vol.26, 2024, pp.277-283

Video: Robert Prechter. 2024. “What Pieces, If Any, Did the Earl of Oxford Contribute to the Christopher Marlowe Canon?” Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship Conference, September 29, 2024

Prechter, Robert. 2024. “Identifying John Doleta” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, Vol.60, No.4, Fall 2024, pp.18-21

Video: Robert Prechter. 2025. “Shakespeare’s Hit Songs” a 70-minute chat with Phoebe deVere, January 12, 2025

Video: 2025. “Oxford’s Voices Theater Festival”, 3 plays in 1 hour, January 25, 2025